Sunday, May 22, 2011

DIY Attempt #1 - Recycled Wall Art

to get started i chose a fairly simple project, recycled wall art.  i found this project off of Homemade Mama's  blog where you make wall art out of toilet paper and paper towel rolls.  i found this project to be very doable for many people but a little tedious.  though, i do enjoy the finished project that you get from just paper towel rolls.

here are the supplies i used:

-recycled paper towel & toilet paper rolls
-a pencil
-a ruler
-tacky glue
-paper clips
-black spray paint

to start out you flatten out the rolls and measure evenly spaced lines.  i measured every 1/4 of an inch for mine.  cut out the strips you measured off and then lay out your pattern like i did here:

i wanted a simple pattern because that's more my style but the homemade mama's made one that was much larger and looked great as well.  then after i layed it out i glued each piece together and held the glued pieces together with a paperclip.  after it dried i then spray painted it black and hung it up in my downstairs bathroom.  because the rolls aren't a very sturdy material i'm probably going to add a few more nails to hold it up for better support.  i'm sure you won't have this problem like i did if your design isn't as simple as mine.
here is my finished product:



  1. That looks really cool natalie! Wow.

  2. Recycled paper suppliers - Papico can meet most requirements with a full range of recycled papers and environmentally friendly uncoated recycled papers and boards.
